Projects & Resources
University groups and research networks
- Institute of Greece, Rome and The Classical Tradition (University of Bristol)
- Centre for Ancient Drama and its Reception (University of Nottingham)
- Classical Reception Studies Network (The Open University)
- Classical Receptions in Late Twentieth-Century Drama and Poetry in English (The Open University)
- Centre for the Reception of Greece and Rome (Royal Holloway, University of London)
- Centre for the Study of the Classical Tradition (Durham university)
- Cine y Mundo Clásico – Aula de Latín (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona)
- ERASME: Équipe de Recherche sur la Réception de l’Antiquité (Université Toulouse II – Le Mirail)
- Mythimedia: Greek Myth in Today’s Culture (University of Bologna – Ravenna)
- CRIMTA: Centro di Ricerca Interpantimentale Multimediale sul Teatro Antico (Università di Pavia)
- Institute for the Classical Tradition (Boston University)
- Autralasian Classical Reception Studies Network
- ARC-NET: European Network of Research and Documentation of Ancient Greek Drama Performances
- Panoply: Animating the Ancient World. Project
- Classics Confidential
Publications and journals
- Anabases: Tradition et Réception de l’Antiquité (Université Toulouse II – Le Mirail)
- Arion: A Journal of Humanities and the Classics (Boston University)
- Classical Receptions Journal (Oxford Journals)
- DIDASKALIA – Ancient Theatre Today (King’s College London)
- Double Dialogues
- IJCT: International Journal of the Classical Tradition (Boston University)
- Journal of the History of Medicine and Allied Science (Oxford Journals)
- METAKINEMA – Revista de Cine e Historia (Junta de Andalucía, Granada)
- New Voices in Classical Reception Studies (The Open University)
- Stratagemmi – Prospettive Teatrali
- Official web site of Eric Shanower: graphic novelist and author of Age of Bronze.
- Official web site of Steven Saylor: includes up to date information on historical fiction, films, plays and graphic novels on the ancient world.
- Cine y Mundo Clásico: blog by Fernando Lillo.
- PEPLVM – Images de l’Antiquité: web site on cinema and comics by Michel Eloy.
Journal/Revue Anabases. Traditions et Réceptions de l’Antiquité
Depuis sa naissance en mars 2005, Anabases se veut une revue internationale, transdisciplinaire et comparatiste portant sur la réception et les traditions de l’Antiquité à travers le temps. En bref : qu’advient-il de l’Antiquité après l’Antiquité ?
La démarche interculturelle – qui est à la base des problématiques de l’équipe É.R.A.S.M.E. – sous-tend une perspective transversale dans trois registres d’analyse : 1) entre disciplines, comme l’histoire, la philosophie, les littératures, l’archéologie,
les sciences politiques ; 2) entre aires culturelles touchant la Méditerranée, l’Europe, le Proche-Orient et le Moyen-Orient ; 3) entre périodes, depuis l’Antiquité jusqu’au très contemporain.
Le comité de rédaction est composé des membres permanents d’É.R.A.S.M.E. :
Jacques ALEXANDROPOULOS, Marielle de BECHILLON, Corinne BONNET, Philippe FORO, Didier FOUCAULT, Adeline GRAND-CLÉMENT, Anne-Hélène KLINGER-DOLLÉ, Véronique KRINGS, Pascal PAYEN, Catherine VALENTI
For further details on the publication and the acceptance of manuscripts submissions, visit the website.
Link to Journal site
Université de Toulouse-II Le Mirail,
Pavillon de la Recherche
5, allées Antonio-Machado
F -31058 Toulouse Cedex 9Téléphone
+33 (0)5 61 50 25 56 / 57
Courriel de la Revue
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Series Rezeption der Antike
The series is dedicated to the ever more important research of classical reception. A wide understanding of the term is chosen, ranging from the antiquity’s classical reception via historical and modern popular reception to the meta-level covered by the history of science and the history of ideas. The main fo cus is on the Classics and their related subjects. Given the necessary cross-over, all other reception studies are equa lly addressed. A complex and varied phenomenon such as classical reception, this is the fundamental underlying idea of the project, can only be understood by means of a broad knowledge of the sources, their tradition and the context of their reception.Thus, the series continues an approach which has previously been pursued successfully through various titles by Verlag Antike (listed below). The editors and the publisher are happy to receive your suggestions or book proposals.
Edited by:
Kai Brodersen, Klaus Freitag, Jörg Fündling, Martin Lindner, Fritz Mitthof, Peter Van Nuffelen, Susanna Phillippo.
Anabases: Traditions et Recéptions de l’Antiquité
Comité de rédaction / Editorial board: Jacques Alexandropoulos, Marielle de Bechillon, Corinne Bonnet, Laurent Bricault, Philippe Foro, Adeline Grand-Clément, Anne-Hélène Klinger-Dollé, Véronique Krings, Pascal Payen, Catherine Valenti.
Depuis sa naissance en mars 2005, Anabases se veut une revue internationale, transdisciplinaire et comparatiste portant sur la réception et les traditions de l’Antiquité à travers le temps. En bref : qu’advient-il de l’Antiquité après l’Antiquité ?
La démarche interculturelle – qui est à la base des problématiques de l’équipe É.R.A.S.M.E. – sous-tend une perspective transversale dans trois registres d’analyse : 1) entre disciplines, comme l’histoire, la philosophie, les littératures, l’archéologie, les sciences politiques ; 2) entre aires culturelles touchant la Méditerranée, l’Europe, le Proche-Orient et le Moyen-Orient ; 3) entre périodes, depuis l’Antiquité jusqu’au très contemporain.
Link to journal website and issues
Adresse postale
Université de Toulouse-II Le Mirail,
Pavillon de la Recherche
5, allées Antonio-Machado
F-31058 Toulouse Cedex 9
+33 (0)5 61 50 25 56 / 57
+33 (0)5 61 50 24 90
Courriel de la Revue
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
The series Rezeption der Antike is edited by Klaus Freitag, Jörg Fünding, Martin Lindner, Fritz Mitthof, Peter Van Nuffelen, Susanna Philippo, Penelope Goodman.
The series is dedicated to the ever more important research of classical reception. A wide understanding of the term is chosen, ranging from the antiquity’s classical reception via historical and modern popular reception to the meta-level covered by the history of science and the history of ideas.
The main focus is on the Classics and their related subjects. Given the necessary cross-over, all other reception studies are equally addressed.
A complex and varied phenomenon such as classical reception, this is the fundamental underlying idea of the project, can only be understood by means of a broad knowledge of the sources, their tradition and the context of their reception.
Thus, the series continues an approach which has previously been pursued successfully through various titles by Verlag Antike.
The editors and the publisher are happy to receive your suggestions or book proposals.
Die Reihe widmet sich der immer bedeutsamer werdenden Erforschung der Antikenrezeption. Sie setzt dabei auf ein bewusst breites Begriffsverständnis, das von der antiken Antikenrezeption über historische und moderne populäre Rezeption bis hin zur Metaebene der Forschungs- und Ideengeschichte reicht. Schwerpunkt sind die altertumskundlichen Fächer und ihre Nachbardisziplinen. Durch die notwendigen „Grenzüberschreitungen“ werden auch sämtliche anderen rezeptionskundlichen Disziplinen angesprochen.
Die Konzeption trägt der Idee Rechnung, dass ein so vielschichtiges und vielgestaltiges Phänomen wie die Antikenrezeption nur auf Basis guter Kenntnisse der Vorlagen, Traditionslinien und Rezeptionskontexte ihrer jeweiligen Ausprägung verstanden werden kann.
Die Reihe führt damit einen Ansatz fort, der sich bereits in verschiedenen Einzelpublikationen des Verlags abgezeichnet hat.
Contact for further information and book proposals: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Antigüedad, nacionalismos e identidades complejas en la historiografía occidental – Antiquity, Nationalism and Complex Identities in Western Historiographies
ANIHO is a project funded by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (MINECO HAR2016-76940-P) in which several members of Imagines participate.
ANIHO/ANIWEH aims to study the role played by ancient Greece and Rome in national historiographies, as well as cultural and political expressions of the 18th and 19th centuries. Along with the Spanish case study – central scope of the project – ANIHO / ANIWEH will also look at other contexts that provide enriching parallels within Europe and Latin America, in particular in Argentina and Colombia.Such comparative perspectives will make possible to scrutinise dynamic phenomena such as the relationships between centre and periphery at different cultural and ideological levels.
The project presents two main lines of research: the first one focuses on historiography and analyses the function attributed to Classical Antiquity in the shaping of a Spanish national historiography, from the Enlightenment to the Restauration, as well as in the rising of ‘peripheral’ historiographies (notably Catalan and Basque) that tend to be associated with specific political aspirations. In a similar way, Argentinian and Colombian historiographies and scholarship will be examined in correlation with the Spanish colonialism.
Secondly, the project will also study the social function of the past and the cultural and political model of Greece and Rome in 18th, 19th and 20th centuries. On the one hand, we will look at the use of Antiquity in cultural societies, such as the Amigos del País, Athenaea and at archaeological and travellers’ associations; as well as at historical painting and novels that proliferated in 19th century Europe and Latin-America. On the other hand, ANIHO/ANIWEH will explore the presence of Graeco-Roman ideas and exempla in political thought and in public oratory, specifically in 19th century parliamentary context.
Project areas: Historiographies, Archaeology and Travellers, National Histories, Visual Arts, Collecting, Performing Arts, Advertising and Popular Culture.
Members: Oskar Aguado (Universidad del País Vasco), Antonio Duplá (Universidad del País Vasco), Jordi Cortadella (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona), Gloria Mora (Universidad Autónoma de Madrid), Pepa Castillo Pascual (Universidad de La Rioja), Marta García Morcillo (University of Roehampton, London), Amalia Emborujo (Universidad del País Vasco), Ricardo del Molino (Universidad Externado, Colombia), Eleonora Dell’Elicine (Universidad de Buenos Aires), Filippo Carlà (Pädagogische Hochschule Heidelberg), Grégory Reimond (Université de Toulouse II Jean Jaurès-Casa de Velázquez), Jonatan Pérez Mostazo (Universidad del País Vasco), César Sierra (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona).
Follow the link for conferences, events and publications
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News & Events
Multimodal Landscapes of Mediterranean Antiquity. Workshop, 25-27 April 2024, Essen
The workshop “Multimodal Landscapes of Mediterranean Antiquity” was supported by and held at the College of Social Sciences and Humanities of the Ruhr University Alliance, Essen on 25-27 April 2024. Several members of Imagines, including both organisers, participated in this exploratory event which catalogued and study existing and remembered imageries of ancient pasts in the city of Essen. Co-organised by Senior Fellow Marta García Morcillo (Durham University, UK) and her tandem partner Florian Freitag(University of Duisburg-Essen), this experimental project united researchers from different fields to investigate cultural artifacts and signs on site, including advertising, branding, photographs, and street art as well as permanent, ephemeral, and vanished architectural elements and recorded events that establish connections between ancient Mediterranean cultures and Essen’s modern cityscape (19th to 21st centuries). This pilot project will serve as a case study for an interactive...
News. Coming event. Imagines 8. Pagan Porntopias? Poster and Programme, Madrid 27-29 Sep. 2023
News: Imagines 8 is coming! Here the poster, programme, and information to attend: Pagan Pornotopias? The Reception of Antiquity in Eroticism and Pornography, Madrid, 27 to 29 September 2023.
Lecture and Workshop: Greek and Roman Antiquity for Children and Young Adults, Potsdam 5 and 7 July 2023
LECTURE GIRL TO WOMAN: THE MYTH OF PERSEPHONE IN YOUNG ADULT FICTION Cristina Salcedo González Universidad Complutense de Madrid 5th July 2023 / 18.00 CAMPUS Am Neuen Palais House 9 / Room 1.02 This lecture investigates the representation of a very popular figure from ancient myth, Persephone, in young adult fiction, analysing a series of examples from a range of anglophone cultures and contexts (New Zealand, South Africa, UK and USA). It will be shown that Persephone can represent and cover a broad range of diverse actual issues, ranging from LGBTQI+ desire to eating disorders, from partner violence to parental mental health, from PTSD to caring responsibility. Through Persephone’s example it will be shown how relevant Greek mythology still is in contemporary cul- ture – and specifically in the entertainment and forma- tion of young adults in the anglophone world. WORKSHOP GREEK AND ROMAN ANTIQUITY FOR CHILDREN AND YOUNG ADULTS 7th July 2023 / 10.00 WIS Bildungsforum Potsdam 10.00...
New: Imagines Book series, Vol. 14
Volume 14 of the Imagines book series announced The Reception of Cleopatra in the Age of Mass Media by Gregory N. Daugherty
Antiquity in silent films from the Tom Stern Collection
Antiquity in silent films from the Tom Stern Collection shown at the 5th Göttingen Night of Science (5 July 2022) Cinema Méliès, Göttingen
Conference: Performing Ancient Greek Literature in a Time of Pandemic (23-24 June 2022)
Organizers: Anastasia Bakogianni (Massey University, New Zealand) and Barbara Goff (University of Reading, UK)