Wearing Antiquity: Modern Fashion and the Past 2000 BCE - 1000 CE

IX International Conference Imagines


Institute of Classical Studies (University of London), London 

Room 349, Second Floor, Senate House, Malet Street, London WC1E 7HU


Wednesday 19 March 2025 

9:30: Registration

10:00-10:15: Welcome


Panel 1. Fashion and Antiquity in Discourse

10:15 - 10:35: Fragmented fashion: rewriting the Ancient World in Text(ile)s / Stacie Raucci (Union College, Schenectady, New York)

10:35 - 10:55: The aesthetics of origin: fashion, territory and technology / Claudia de Oliveira (Federal University of Rio de Janeiro), Julia Mello (Federal University of Espírito Santo (Brazil), Olivia Merquior (Vogue Brasil)

10:55 -11:15: We Lost a Baddie: Bronze Age Clothing Reconstruction and Confrontation in the World of Social Media/ Nicole DeRushie (Ashmolean Museum)

11:15 - 11:35: The Digital Atlas of European Textile Heritage: An Inspiration for a More Sustainable and Creative Textile Industry? (Alina Iancu, Catarina Costeira and Francisco B. Gomes HERITEX-HUB Team)

11:35 - 11:50: Discussion


11:50 - 12:10: Coffee break


Panel 2. Fashion and the Performing social roles and identities

12:10 - 12:30: Dancing Classically: The Empire-line style in the making / Milly Cox (University of Oxford)

12:30 -12:50: Victorian Aristocrats and the Lure of the Other: Costuming the Ancient Near East at the Devonshire House ball of 1897 / Lloyd Llewellyn-Jones (Cardiff University)

12:50 - 13:10: Controversial Costumes and Corrupting Characters: Exploring the intersection between casting and costuming in the creation and reception of cinema’s ancient temptress (Tyla Cascaes) (University of Queensland) (online)

13:10 - 13:25: Discussion


13:25 - 14: 30: Lunch break 


Panel 3.1 Fashion and personal identity 

14:30 - 14:50: Tattoos as a symbols of our self and social identities / Anna Socha (University of Liverpool)

14:50 - 15:10: Inking Antiquity: From Stigma to Mana / Vanda Strachan (University of Oxford) (online)

15:10 - 15:30: Workshop - The Influence Of Ancient Art and Patterns in Modern Body art / Gloria Noterangelo and Richard Wakeman (Old World Remains tattoo studio). 

15:30 - 15:45: Discussion 


15:45 - 16:05: Coffee break 


Panel 3.2 Fashion and personal identity 

16:05 - 16:25: Unwitting Greek Idol? Fashioning the Male Body / Lüder Tietz (Universität Oldenburg)

16:25 - 16:45: (Under)Wearing Antiquity: Graeco-Roman Aesthetics from Lingerie to BDSM Paraphernalia / Anna Chiara Corradino (University Tor Vergata)

16:45 - 17:00: Discussion 

Thursday 20 March 2025 

Panel 4. Fashion and Antiquity – Ethics, Marketing, Media

10:00 - 10:20: Antiquity in fashion Discourse in Portuguese-language digital media / Rita Faria (Catholic University of Portugal)  and Adriana Nogueira (University of Algarve)

10:20 - 10:40: Wearing Gaya: Repercussions of communicating archaeology in South Korea / Constantin Canavas (Hamburg University of Applied Sciences, Faculty of Life Sciences)

10:40 - 11:00: Antiquity as a Marketing Strategy for Luxury Brands / Vilma Losyte (Université Toulouse - Jean Jaurès)

11:00 -11:20: Marketing monuments: The role of ancient architecture in fashion marketing and promotion / Jordan Bayley (University of Newcastle)

11:20 - 11:35: Discussion


11:35 - 11:55: Coffee break


Panel 5.1. Distinctive, Personal, Eternal  - Adorning the body

11:55 - 12:15: “Elysium Oil”: The Role of the Ancient in the Ritualization of Fashion / Scheherazade J. Khan (University of Pennsylvania)

12:15 - 12:35: The ancient art of creating rare essences: the case of Bruno Acampora / Maria Francesca Cozzolino (University of Naples Federico II)

12:35 - 12:55: Following in the Footsteps of the Romans / Sue Blundell (Independent scholar)

12:55 - 13:10: Discussion


13:10 - 14:30: Lunch break 


Panel 5.2 Distinctive, Personal, Eternal - Adorning the body 

14:30 - 14:55: Workshop - Valhalla jewellery 

14: 55 - 15:15: Dripping in Gold: armlets, hair ornaments and earspools in Bronze Age Ireland / Laura Fitzachary (Historical consultant) 

15:15 - 15:35: Golden Visions of the Ancient World: The Ilias Lalaounis Jewelry Collections / Anastasia Bakogianni (Massey University, New Zealand) (Online) 

15:35 - 15:55: The Pearls of Cleopatra: The use of antique jewels in contemporary Haute Joaillerie between / Friedrich J. Becher/ Independent scholar

15:55 - 16:10: Discussion


16:10 - 16:30: Coffee break


16:30 - 17:30: Workshop -Tatty Devine

Friday 21 March 2025 


Panel 6 Designer brands - art and archaeology 

10:00 - 10:20: Saints and Flappers: Late Antique Egypt in Early 20th Century Fashion / Betsy Bevis (University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign)

10:20 - 10:40: Dyonisian vibes:  From Mythical Glam to Creative  Frenzy / Pasquale Ferrara (Historisches Institut, Universität Potsdam)

10:40 - 11:00: Antiquity and the artification of fashion brands / Paloma Martin-Esperanza (Universidad Autónoma de Madrid)

11:00 - 11:20: The White Ideal Maintained: Graeco-Roman Sculpture as a Source of Inspiration for Today’s High Fashion / Cecilie Brøns (Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek, Copenhagen) (on line)

11:20 - 11:35: Discussion


11:35 - 11:55: Coffee break


Panel 7.1. Designer brands - case studies 1

11:55 - 12:15: Fashionable Plato: Alexander McQueen’s Posthuman Atlantis / Zina Giannopoulou (University of California, Irvine, USA) (online)

12:15 - 12:35: Antiquity in Fashion: Dolce & Gabbana / Bente Knold Kiilerich (University of Bergen)

12:35 - 12:55: A man’s tale”: “Romanitas” and the construction of modern identity, masculinity, and status in Dolce & Gabbana’s Roma collection / Simran Frontain (Royal Holloway)

12:55 - 13:10: Discussion


13:10 - 14:30: Lunch break 


Panel 7.2.  Designer brands - case studies 2

14:30 -14:50: Dressing like an Eastern Roman Empress (Chanel Karl Lagerfeld)  / Tanja Kilzer (University of Trier)

14:50 - 15:10: Dress, hairstyle and jewellery for the representation of women in power / Elio Soria and Sofía Camarero (Universidad Complutense de Madrid) 

15:10 - 15:30: Wearing Magna Graecia, wearing Versace / Giulia Corrente (Università Roma Tre - Member of MOISA)

15:30 - 15:45: Discussion


15:45 - 16:00: Final remarks